Summary 2020


As we all know, the past year 2020 has been really difficult globally in all areas. We had to make many changes in our lives and, of course, our way of working has been adapted to the circumstances. All these adjustments have had a special impact on our commercial department, since our KAMs have been forced to drastically reduce their trips and visits to customers around the world due to the present restrictions.

Despite this, we have found a way to keep on meeting our commitments, both with customers and with suppliers, being in daily contact with them by telephone, email or video meetings. This way, we have managed to reach the established goals for this year.

Especially remarkable is the growth of the BIOXrange of products, which have been specifically designed for the capture of hydrogen sulfide in anaerobic digestion processes. Its excellent quality / price ratio and its high efficiency compared to other products on the market have made a difference and have boosted its consumption in biogas plants both in Europe and North America.

All of this encourages us to move forward, facing the new challenges that 2021 brings us, with the same enthusiasm and energy that we always put into our work, despite the difficulties to come, always doing our best in each project.

Óxidos Rojos Micronox, la alternativa natural a los pigmentos sintéticos
Haciendo balance de 2020

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